Today’s Traveller Know Your Leader motivational initiative invites seasoned Arindam Kunar, Vice President – Operations, Fortune Park Hotels Ltd to share his experiences, his journey, and some unknown facts about him that keep him going.

This, in turn, will motivate teams to delve into themselves and bring out their lesser-known selves.
Even though a picture is worth a thousand words, sometimes the right words are just what you need to make it through the day, to inspire your team, or to change your perspective.

Today’s Traveller: How do you keep up your team’s morale?
Arindam Kunar: I am blessed to be working with a group of professionals both at head office and at hotels who are self-motivated with their own aspirations to excel in what they do.
My role is more to bring innovation, out-of-the box thinking and challenge them to exploit their potential. Setting stiff targets for the team and then being there to get involved in problem resolution gives a sense of ‘teamship’. Regular communication is absolutely critical.
Needless to say, reward and recognition for a job well done is imperative. One thing that I believe works very well is maintaining a healthy office environment, and the leader has to lead by example. Lastly, providing opportunities for growth to the high performers sets a healthy precedent for others to follow.
Today’s Traveller: A major milestone that shaped you as a Leader
Arindam Kunar: My inspiration is definitely my father, whom as a young boy I noticed is the most down-to-earth, caring, readily-available for his team and hands-on person with an enthusiasm to get things done.
His team worked for him zealously because they considered him one of them. However, the milestone that made me realize the importance of my role as a leader is when I became a GM for the first time, with a solemn sense of managing numerous stakeholders and the impact my behaviour and decisions had on them.
When we lead people, we must realize that we have the tough job of balancing performance delivery and people expectations which can sometimes be at conflict and that will often challenge our values and principles. It is the conviction of a leader, the purpose that must stay unwavering.
Today’s Traveller: How do you approach a challenge?
Arindam Kunar: While it is critical to take a fact or data-based assessment of the situation, it is also important to draw on all resources and knowledge and counsel within reach rather than trying to be a superman.
The one thing a leader cannot be when dealing with a challenge is to be negative or exasperated. The single most important factor is to be positive when faced with any challenge and evoke a sense of hope and confidence in the team.
All young leaders must acknowledge that challenges are the best ways to learn lessons, especially in our industry.
Today’s Traveller: What is that one thing that you have learnt during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Arindam Kunar: Of the myriad things that I have learnt personally and we have learnt as an organization, is the collective strength of a strong brand lineage and team that is behind a company like ours.
The other areas that we have evolved as professionals are enhanced cost management, hygiene protocols that have changed forever, alternate revenue sources and the fact that we can get so much work done online, and just as effectively.
Today’s Traveller: What is that one thing that you cannot miss?
Arindam Kunar: I must confess I am a bit fixated with responding to mails and messages as soon as possible.
Coffee is another weakness.
My morning ritual of ensuring I familiarize with the economic news of the day is now more than a decade old.
Today’s Traveller: Which non-professional activities give you energy and satisfaction?
Arindam Kunar: With the level of travel and work timings that I keep, it is absolutely important that there is a passion that is deeply personal and invigorating to keep me going.
Music is my most effective de-stressor as it helps take the focus away from the mental chatter of your day. Blues and Jazz as my favourite genres.
On the rare occasion that I get some free time, I love to ride my Royal Enfield, which gives me a sense of freedom and discovery, not to mention some “me time”.
Read More: Corporate Connect