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Monsoon Melodies: 7 Beautiful Waterfalls of Goa

Here are seven of the best waterfalls of Goa to add to your to-do list during your visit to this beautiful destination during the monsoon.

When one conjures images of Goa, the sun-drenched beaches often dominate the mindscape. Yet, as the monsoon weaves its magic, Goa transforms into an emerald lush of a haven. As the beaches skirt the state, magnificent waterfalls cascade their symphony in monsoons.

Waterfalls in Goa 
Image courtesy via Flickr
Waterfalls in Goa
Image courtesy via Flickr

Goa transforms into a haven of natural beauty during the monsoon season, boasting some of the most stunning waterfalls in India. Dudhsagar Falls, one of the highest in India, becomes a spectacular sight as torrents of water cascade down the rocky cliffs amidst lush greenery, creating a milky-white appearance that justifies its name, “Sea of Milk.”

Tambdi Surla Waterfall, located near the ancient Tambdi Surla Temple, offers a serene and picturesque setting, with the surrounding Western Ghats coming alive with vibrant flora. The Arvalem Waterfalls, also known as Harvalem, present a captivating view as water plunges into a scenic pool, enhanced by the nearby Arvalem Caves and Rudreshwar Temple.

For those seeking off-the-beaten-path adventures, here is a selected list of waterfalls in Goa that provide an immersive experience with its pristine surroundings and the chance to spot diverse wildlife. The monsoon season accentuates the beauty of these waterfalls, turning Goa into a lush paradise where nature’s splendour is at its peak.

Kuskem Waterfall, South Goa

Kuskem Waterfall, South Goa
Kuskem Waterfall, South Goa – Waterfalls of Goa

Situated in the picturesque Kuskem village within Canacona Taluka, this waterfall is 20 km from the Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary off NH 17. The waterfall is approximately 12 km from Hathipal, the sanctuary’s entry point, where visitors can stay in the forest department’s eco cottages. Anvli waterfall, situated nearby additionally complements this attraction. Reaching Kuskem involves a hike with breathtaking views of the lush forest and clear waters, ideal for a refreshing dip.

Netravali Waterfall, South Goa

Netravali Waterfall, South Goa - Waterfalls of Goa
Netravali Waterfall, South Goa – Waterfalls of Goa

This waterfall is located in Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary, about 50 km from Margao. Accessible by road, visitors can reach the falls after a 20-30 minute trek through lush forest. The waterfall forms a pool with its curtain-like cascade. Due to its rich biodiversity, the sanctuary is idle for birdwatching and wildlife spotting. Netravali Waterfalls’ visit is highly commendable as it is an incredible spot for picnics, nature walks, and photography.

Dudhsagar Falls, Goa-Karnataka border

Dudhsagar Falls, located on the Goa-Karnataka border, becomes a mesmerizing spectacle during the monsoon season. As one of India’s tallest waterfalls, it plunges approximately 310 meters in a four-tiered cascade, resembling a sea of milk as torrents of rainwater gush down the rocky cliffs. The surrounding Western Ghats come alive with lush, verdant foliage, enhancing the dramatic scenery.

Dudhsagar Falls - Waterfalls in Goa - Image courtesy soumyajit pramanick via Wikipedia Commons
Dudhsagar Falls – Waterfalls in Goa – Image courtesy soumyajit pramanick via Wikipedia Commons

The heavy monsoon rains amplify the volume and force of the waterfall, creating a thundering roar and a misty spray that envelopes the area, providing a refreshing respite for visitors. The falls are accessible via a scenic trek through the Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary or a thrilling jeep safari, both offering breathtaking views of the dense forest and rich biodiversity.

The railway bridge passing in front of Dudhsagar Falls adds to the charm, with occasional trains providing a unique vantage point for travellers. This natural wonder, with its ethereal beauty during the monsoons, is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers exploring Goa.

Kesarval Waterfalls, South Goa

Kesarval Waterfalls, South Goa
Kesarval Waterfalls, South Goa – Waterfalls of Goa

Kesarval Springs is distanced 22 kilometres from Panaji near the Verna plateau and the Zuari River. Accessible by a short trek, it is surrounded by tropical woodlands and betel-nut palms. The spring is famed for its medicinal properties, believed to heal skin and eye ailments due to the mineral-infused waters.

Bamanbudo Waterfall, South Goa

Bamanbudo Waterfall, South Goa
Bamanbudo Waterfall, South Goa – Hivrem Waterfalls, North Goa – Waterfalls of Goa

Located in Canacona, near Ambe Ghat, this waterfall resembles a waterslide, featuring high-force water sliding down the rocks, forming a stream at the bottom. Considering its easy access, it is perfect for family picnics.

Hivrem Waterfalls, North Goa

Hivrem Waterfalls, North Goa
Hivrem Waterfalls, North Goa – Waterfalls of Goa

Hivrem offers stunning views of the Sahyadris and the Hivrem Waterfall. A 45-minute trek leads to this waterfall. The waterfall, surrounded by a heavy forest, is perfect for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

Tambdi Surla Waterfall

During the monsoon season, Tambdi Surla Waterfall in Goa transforms into a tranquil and breathtaking retreat amidst the dense forests of the Western Ghats.

Located near the 12th-century Tambdi Surla Mahadev Temple, this hidden gem becomes particularly enchanting with the onset of heavy rains. The waterfall, surrounded by lush greenery, cascades down the rocky terrain, creating a serene and picturesque landscape. The monsoon rains invigorate the flora, resulting in a vibrant and verdant canopy that enhances the natural beauty of the falls.

The journey to Tambdi Surla Waterfall involves a scenic trek through the Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary, offering glimpses of diverse wildlife and rich biodiversity along the way. The peaceful ambience, coupled with the soothing sound of cascading water, makes Tambdi Surla a perfect spot for nature lovers seeking solitude and rejuvenation during the monsoon season.

An invitation to explore the untamed, verdant Waterfalls of Goa

The earthy scent of rain-soaked soil fills the air as adventurers walk these trails trekking through lush hinterlands to discover hidden waterfalls and serene pools. Picnics become tales of laughter and joy. Visiting these waterfalls is not merely an escape into nature’s embrace but an invitation to explore the untamed, verdant heart of Goa. So, as we listen to the cascading waterfalls hum their melodies when monsoon bestows their beauty, let us also be stewards of its preservation.

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