When Dr. Harbeen Arora shares her simple philosophy, “Goals and dreams may change, but what I have always enjoyed is the learning part and path” you know that here is an individual who has plumbed the depths of life and has insights you would love to know.
Her soft and genteel demeanour belies the strong-willed, purpose-driven persona that defines Dr. Harbeen Arora. She manifests multifaceted leadership with strength and simplicity. As a thought leader, global icon, and visionary for women, philanthropist, and author, she has covered a lot of ground at a very young age.
Dr Harbeen Arora is the Founder & Global Chairperson, ALL Ladies League (ALL) & Women Economic Forum (WEF) Founder & President, Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WICCI); Founder, Bio Ayurveda and SHEconomy.
She shares the highlights of her journey, her passions, dreams and what drives her to do what she does…

Passionate about learning
I’m most passionate about working and learning. Goals and dreams may change, but what I have always enjoyed is the learning part and path.
That constant opening up of the mind, broadening of horizons, change of perspectives, spiritual expansion and blossoming of the energy – all these are very important to me and drive me as a person.
The values imbibed in childhood – hard work, humility, sincerity, service; have all served me immensely in having a learning mindset.
My greatest challenge has been to understand myself
My greatest challenge has been to understand myself and my purpose of life, and how to implement my highest vibration in my day to day work.
Normally, we think that the highest spiritual goals are incompatible with pursuit of business and real life challenges. But my learning has been that it is possible to match both and lead a happy, fulfilling, balanced and successful life.
My life has been transformed by sisterhood
My life has been transformed by ‘Sisterhood.” Through our various platforms for women empowerment viz. ALL Ladies League (ALL), Women Economic Forum (WEF), Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (WICCI), and SHEconomy, we have truly created a solidarity of sisters beyond borders, in mutual support and empowerment. The She-for-She Bond has been integral to our journey of empowerment and blossoming.
We also have an annual festival every year on Oct 5 to celebrate and honor our empowering bond as sisters called ShaktiBandhan: World Sisterhood Day. In Indian culture, Shakti is the divine feminine: it is both the trinity and infinity. She is the source and force of Nature, Universe and Creation.

I think this strong aspect of honouring the Divine Feminine within and in other women is a great opportunity for all of us to remember and awaken our own power as women with greater self-belief and strength, and in order to walk in our own purpose and power.
Our societies have to awaken to our ancient all-embracing wisdom that comes by embracing our inner divine feminine, and for that we must awaken as women first. When we remember our power, and when we resonate with this inner power, we reflect and radiate it, enabling others to feel it and honor it as well.
We are all works-in-progress
I owe much gratitude and learnings to my parents who offered the beautiful example of selflessness and extending unconditional support to me at all times.

The teachings of my Guru, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba bear a powerful influence in my life and vision. The highest vision therefore for me and inspired by Indian culture and the teachings of my Guru is to love all, serve all: envisioning the world and the Universe as one big divine family.
It also means to realise in every day thoughts and actions that we’re all on the same team, and we all are equal souls on a spiritual journey of awakening and we are all works-in-progress.
We can thus retain our humility, compassion, non-judgemental vision and strive to help all and serve all with an innate understanding of oneness as sisters and brothers.
I’d just like to add here that in our Indian thought and culture, the spirit of sacrifice and ‘service’ are conceived a bit differently. Service is not viewed as something that we do for another… hence, it is not to be done in the spirit or attitude of “doing a favour to someone” (i.e. not as an expression of the ego), but instead with gratitude and humility toward the recipients as by their receiving they have given us the precious opportunity to cleanse our own heart and uplift our own divine essence in this act of service, which can help us in our own soul’s awakening.

Service is our sacred duty toward society and also to our self as our own lasting happiness comes from experiencing this endless seamless oneness with one and all.
Personally, these teachings have created an inner revolution for me offering a radical opening up of the mind, expansion of the heart, and upliftment of spirit and energy.
It encourages and eggs me on every day to strive for greater equilibrium, peace of mind, purity of heart, clarity of purpose, spirit of faith, attitude of forgiveness, and self-confidence that springs from the awareness of one’s eternity and infinity, and faith in one’s own divine design and purpose.
Once the source of the spirit is thus energised, our leadership in any field, including business, is also uplifted and enlightened.
Inspired by everything nature
I have a company that makes Ayurvedic products for holistic health and wellness. The creation of the company is a result of my lifelong passion for Ayurveda, an ancient healing system from India that is highly inspired and informed by everything nature.
The creation of the company further fuel-led my passion for Ayurveda and made it an even more integral part of my lifestyle. So my life inspires my work, and my work inspires my Life.
Read More: Corporate Connect