Today’s Traveller #Know Your Leader motivational initiative invites Vineet Mishra, Complex General Manager, Pullman & Novotel New Delhi Aerocity to share his experiences, his journey, and some unknown facts about him that keep him going.

This, in turn, will motivate teams to delve into themselves and bring out their lesser-known selves. Even though a picture is worth a thousand words, sometimes the right words are just what you need to make it through the day, to inspire your team, or to change your perspective.

Today’s Traveller: How do you keep up your team’s morale?
Vineet Mishra: Winning teams don’t win every time! But, they learn from every experience, keep their outlook positive and morale high.
Firstly, communication is key and it’s a two-way street. A team feels more motivated with two things – Empowerment & Engagement. At any given point if you take away either of these two, it has a direct impact on overall morale.
My personal experience has shown when we look at an involved team you get far better results. Sometimes we surprise ourselves with what we can achieve when we push each other for more.
Recognizing victories and celebrating, however big or small they might be along with due credit, plays a key role in a successful and motivated team. One should allow your team to do what they do best.
As a leader, you may not be well-versed in a particular discipline and following advice and recommendations help overall achievement. Fail and fail fast, accept mistakes will happen and learn from them. Respect, a smile, pat on the back goes a thousand miles
Today’s Traveller: A major milestone that shaped you as a Leader
Vineet Mishra: As a child, I played for a football club and we would participate in small leagues in the city. I always played defense, never forward or mid-field, it was always defense. I was never the captain of the team, but I was a good defender and was respected for it by my teammates and coach. I was heard on the field and my opinion mattered.

Leadership is a team sport that requires collaboration and teamwork where members within the team can leverage each other’s strengths to eliminate individual weaknesses. Today when I reflect back, somewhere I feel that leadership is an action more than a role.
Through school and later in college I was fortunate to take on the lead for projects and assignments. One major learning that came to me when I was the Vice President of the student council in my college, came when I was to supervise my own peers. At that time I learnt that every role comes with its complexities and dealing with them is important for your own growth and development as a leader.
As I moved through my professional life, I picked up a lot of skills by observation. As a young manager, I learned about leadership through observing other leaders in action; some great, others good, few bad, and rare ones even ugly. Interestingly, I learned just as much from the good as I did from the bad.
Personally, I feel leadership is a privilege and an honour that carries with it a tremendous responsibility. Through my journey, I have learnt that great leaders know not only their own limitations but also the limitations of their team members and can offset these limitations with individual and group strengths to achieve overall successes.
Having the fortune of working under some of the best in hospitality, I saw that great leaders are those who listen well, can motivate and inspire, and provide a clear vision and direction. Also, who lead by example and empower others to do what they do best.
Finally, the responsibility and having a clear understanding of the positive and negative impacts their actions may have on their followers. However, above all I believe one tool to be the most important aspect of leadership; is taking care of people. It is by far the most important leadership tool and possibly it is the most critical tool for effective leadership.
Today’s Traveller: How do you approach a challenge?
Vineet Mishra: A challenge is always an opportunity. It is something that helps you learn something new, sets a new record, pushes you to the edge, and raises the bar. I usually look for a challenge.

When you see a problem in front of you, it magnifies and diminishes based on how you look at it – like a mountain you can’t climb or a sea that you can’t swim through. Sometimes it’s better to build a tunnel or a bridge than climbing or swimming.
Having said that I don’t underestimate a challenge. I look at every opportunity to see how one can overcome a situation, tactfully and skilfully. It makes you stronger and wiser, no matter whether you win or lose from it and hence it is an opportunity.
A step by step approach keeping a certain amount of risk assessment in mind usually helps you reach your goals and overcome the challenge. However, one should never forget that a challenge is always dynamic – it moves and changes just the way you do. Be proactive to think and never underestimate or be overconfident, rather be tactful and intelligent.

New Delhi Aerocity
Today’s Traveller: What is that one thing that you have learnt during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
Vineet Mishra: It is to never take anything for granted. Less is more. Health and wellbeing is a priority for yourself and your loved ones, and try to balance your life.
Today’s Traveller: What is that one thing that you cannot miss?
Vineet Mishra: Well, for me it’s some form of exercise every day… whatever it may be. Irrespective of the climate and environment, if I can go to the gym, run/walk or just do 20 minutes of stretches at any time of the day.
Today’s Traveller: Which non-professional activities give you energy and satisfaction?
Vineet Mishra: I love running, cycling and hitting the gym occasionally. Playing with my children and spending time with our canines.
Read More: Corporate Connect