
Jyoti Mayal: TAAI roadmap 2024-26 empowers agents, seeks fair commissions, strong tax reforms

In an exclusive interview with Kamal Gill, Executive Editor, Today’s Traveller, Jyoti Mayal, President of the Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI), outlined her plans for the upcoming elections on September 30, 2024. Mayal aims to support smaller agencies with technology tools and advocate for fair commissions on visa fees and insurance for low-cost airline transactions.

She also plans to push for the abolition of the Tax Collected at Source (TCS) and secure credit input on IGST, while promoting transparency in airline policies. Additionally, she seeks to boost women’s participation in tourism and update TAAI’s Memorandum of Association to meet the industry’s evolving needs.

Jyoti Mayal, President, Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI)
Jyoti Mayal, President, Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI)

TT Bureau: How do you plan to address the issue of defaulting airlines and ensure better protection for agents’ finances?

Jyoti Mayal: As the President of TAAI, addressing the issue of defaulting airlines and ensuring better protection for agents’ finances is crucial. After every couple of years, we have an airline defaulting taking away our hard-earned tax-paid income, and agents & consumers suffer huge losses. To tackle this, I plan to advocate for financial default coverage to be built into the ticket fare. The government needs to protect the industry as they protect themselves from airport tax, fuel tax etc.  

Additionally, I aim to work with government bodies to enforce stricter regulations on airlines’ financial health, including mandatory financial audits and transparency requirements to ensure airlines are financially stable before they can operate. Negotiating better terms with airlines, such as securing advance payments or guarantees to protect agents’ commissions and payments, is also a priority. Lastly, enhancing communication and support by providing regular updates and training sessions on financial risk management and best practices will help create a more secure and resilient environment for travel agents. By implementing these strategies, we can ensure better financial protection for travel agents against the risk of defaulting airlines.

TT Bureau: How will technology create a stronger aviation ecosystem that benefits both agents and customers?

Jyoti Mayal: The future is technology in both travel & tourism. Technology has the potential to significantly enhance the aviation ecosystem, creating benefits for both travel agents and customers. Advanced booking systems and Global Distribution Systems (GDS) enable travel agents to access real-time information on flight availability, pricing, and schedules, allowing them to provide customers with the best options quickly and efficiently.

Automation tools and artificial intelligence streamline processes such as ticketing, customer service, and itinerary management, reducing administrative workload for agents and providing faster, more accurate responses for customers. Data analytics help in understanding customer preferences and travel patterns, enabling agents to offer tailored recommendations and airlines to optimize operations.

Mobile technology facilitates better communication and management of bookings, while blockchain enhances transaction security and transparency. Virtual and augmented reality offer immersive experiences, helping customers make informed decisions. Additionally, technology supports sustainability initiatives, such as optimizing flight paths to reduce fuel consumption.

By integrating these advancements, the aviation ecosystem becomes more efficient, secure, and customer-centric, benefiting both agents and customers through streamlined operations and enhanced travel experiences.Also, a technology platform for especially smaller agents to increase their business by establishing a marketplace for them to be able to give the best cost & service to their customers is crucial for their survival which is already in the formation but needs to be implemented.

TT Bureau: You’ve mentioned enhancing earnings from visas and stakeholders. What is the TAAI tourism fund you propose? How do you see it supporting future growth?

Jyoti Mayal: The TAAI Tourism Fund is a strategic initiative aimed at fostering sustainable growth and resilience within the travel and tourism industry. This fund is designed to pool resources from various stakeholders, including travel agents, airlines, hotels, and government bodies, to create a financial safety net and investment pool for the industry.

The primary objectives of the TAAI Tourism Fund are to provide financial support during crises, invest in skill development programs, and promote technological innovations. By having a dedicated fund, we can ensure that travel agents and other industry players have access to emergency financial assistance in times of need, such as during airline defaults or global disruptions like pandemics. This financial stability will help maintain trust and confidence among stakeholders and customers.

Additionally, the fund will be used to support skill development initiatives, ensuring that industry professionals are well-equipped with the latest knowledge and skills. This includes training programs, apprenticeship courses, and certifications that enhance the overall quality of service in the tourism sector. Investing in technology is another critical aspect, as it will enable the adoption of advanced booking systems, data analytics, and automation tools that improve efficiency and customer experience.

Moreover, the TAAI Tourism Fund will promote green sustainability projects, aligning with global trends towards eco-friendly tourism. By supporting initiatives that reduce the environmental impact of travel, we can attract a growing segment of environmentally conscious travellers and ensure long-term sustainability.

In summary, the TAAI Tourism Fund is envisioned as a comprehensive support system that not only provides financial security but also drives innovation, skill development, and sustainability in the travel and tourism industry. This holistic approach will help the industry adapt to changing dynamics and continue to grow robustly in the future.

TT Bureau: The abolition of TCS and rationalization of GST and IGST are central to your mission. How will you work with the government to bring these changes to fruition?

Jyoti Mayal: To achieve the abolition of Tax Collected at Source (TCS) and the rationalization of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST), a multi-faceted approach is essential. Establishing regular communication channels with key government officials and policymakers is crucial, allowing us to present our case directly and highlight the challenges faced by the travel and tourism industry due to the current tax structure.

Collaborating with other industry associations and stakeholders to form a united front will strengthen our position, demonstrating widespread support for these changes. Compiling and presenting data-driven research that illustrates the economic impact of TCS, GST, and IGST on the sector will provide concrete evidence to make a compelling case for reform. Launching public awareness campaigns to educate the broader community about the benefits of these changes can generate public support, creating additional pressure on policymakers.

Developing detailed policy proposals that outline the specific changes we are advocating for, along with their anticipated benefits, will provide a clear roadmap for the government. Utilizing media platforms to highlight the issues and advocate for change can amplify our message, keeping the conversation in the public eye. Persistence in advocacy, through continuous follow-up with government officials and participation in relevant policy discussions, will ensure our efforts remain a priority.

By employing these strategies, we can work effectively with the government to abolish TCS and rationalize GST and IGST, ultimately fostering a more favourable environment for the travel and tourism industry. The most important aspect is that to do all the above the President definitely needs to be in Delhi & have ultra-high network ability & I truly represent both.

TT Bureau: What specific amendments to the MOA & AOA are you advocating for, and how will they improve transparency in TAAI’s operations?

Jyoti Mayal: Our Constitution is a very generic document and has various gaps. The specific amendments to the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) that I am advocating for aim to enhance transparency and accountability within TAAI’s operations. These amendments include introducing a clearer governance structure with detailed descriptions of board members’ and executives’ roles and responsibilities, ensuring everyone understands their duties and the scope of their authority.

Regular, independent financial audits will be mandated, with results accessible to all members, providing transparency in financial management. Enhancing provisions for member participation in decision-making processes, such as more frequent general meetings and electronic voting opportunities, will lead to more democratic governance. Implementing strict conflict-of-interest policies will require board members and executives to disclose any potential conflicts and abstain from decision-making where a conflict exists, maintaining integrity and trust.

Requiring detailed documentation and publication of board meeting minutes and decisions will keep members informed about the actions and directions taken by the leadership. Establishing a code of ethics and compliance guidelines will promote ethical behaviour and accountability throughout the organization. Finally, creating formal channels for members to provide feedback and raise concerns will ensure that the leadership is responsive to the needs and issues of its members, fostering a culture of openness and continuous improvement.

By implementing these amendments, we aim to create a more transparent, accountable, and member-centric organization, enhancing the trust and confidence of our members and stakeholders in TAAI’s operations.

TT Bureau: What steps will you take to ensure 25% participation of women in the association? How will it impact the broader industry environment?

Jyoti Mayal: I wish to ensure 25% participation of women in the association, I plan to implement several key initiatives& also make this a part of the MOA & AOA. First, we will establish mentorship and leadership programs specifically designed for women in the travel and tourism industry. These programs will provide training, networking opportunities, and support to help women advance in their careers and take on leadership roles within the association. Additionally, we will create a dedicated committee focused on women’s participation and empowerment, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their contributions are valued.

We will also actively promote gender diversity in our recruitment and nomination processes, encouraging more women to join the association and participate in its activities. This includes setting clear targets for female representation on our board and in key decision-making positions. Furthermore, we will collaborate with other industry organizations and stakeholders to advocate for policies and practices that support gender equality and create a more inclusive work environment.

By ensuring 25% participation of women in the association, we can foster a more diverse and inclusive industry environment. This will lead to a broader range of perspectives and ideas, driving innovation and growth. Additionally, it will set a positive example for other organizations in the travel and tourism sector, encouraging them to prioritize gender diversity and inclusion. Ultimately, increasing women’s participation will contribute to a more equitable and dynamic industry, benefiting everyone involved. I as Chairperson of THSC am working on multiple benefits for women & would like to bring this into the mainstream of TAAI too.

TT Bureau: How can TAAI ensure that smaller agencies have equal opportunities for technology adoption and revenue growth in a highly competitive market?

Jyoti Mayal: My vision is to ensure that smaller agencies have equal opportunities for technology adoption and revenue growth in a highly competitive market, TAAI can implement several key initiatives. First, we can establish a technology adoption fund specifically aimed at supporting smaller agencies. This fund would provide financial assistance for purchasing and implementing advanced booking systems, data analytics tools, and other essential technologies. Additionally, we can negotiate bulk purchasing agreements with technology providers to secure discounts and favourable terms for our members, making it more affordable for smaller agencies to access cutting-edge tools.

We can also offer training and development programs focused on digital skills and technology utilization. By providing workshops, webinars, and certification courses, we can ensure that smaller agencies are well-equipped to leverage new technologies effectively. Furthermore, creating a mentorship program where larger, more established agencies can share their expertise and best practices with smaller ones will foster a collaborative environment and help bridge the knowledge gap.

Another important step is to advocate for government support and incentives for technology adoption in the travel and tourism sector. By working with policymakers to create grants, tax breaks, and other financial incentives, we can make it easier for smaller agencies to invest in technology. Additionally, we can develop a centralized digital platform that offers resources, tools, and support for smaller agencies, enabling them to compete more effectively in the market.

By implementing these initiatives, TAAI can create a more level playing field, ensuring that smaller agencies have the resources and support they need to adopt new technologies and achieve sustainable revenue growth. This will not only benefit the agencies themselves but also contribute to a more dynamic and competitive industry overall.

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